
Listening for Pleasure 1




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底下是 Listening for Pleasure 1 的內容簡介


Listening for Pleasure is a short series focusing on oral comprehension by gathering information from listening based on real-life communication. When learners are exposed to listening activities, they can learn to use the language more easily.


There are several approaches to involve students in listening activities. First, there is the need for interactive activities, which means students should be able to understand how a given language is spoken by native speakers.


Therefore, in the first section of the coursebook, a dialogue is presented and is to be used as practice in the classroom. Conversation practice activities provide students with clues about how spoken language is used in social interaction.


These activities take place within a context that provides visual and oral cues to assist comprehension. The more information learners receive on the subject, the better they can understand the target theme while listening.


After learners can understand real-life communication, a report or short talk on a social aspect offers the opportunity to keep track of their degree of comprehension. A series of structured communicative tasks help them to heighten their awareness of listening as a skill.


Listening for Pleasure is in two books. Book 1 one focuses on travel, hotel, transportation and social activity. Book 2 is about business, money and work. Both books use authentic language and useful phrases. Additional transcripts for listening can be found in the coursebook.

  • 出版社:新月

  • 出版日期:2016/09/23
  • 語言:英文

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