Macmillan(Intermediate)- Sense and Sensibility
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底下是 Macmillan(Intermediate)- Sense and Sensibility 的內容簡介
After the death of her husband, Mrs Dashwood and her three daughters, Elinor, Marianne and Margaret, find they must leave Norland Park and move to a small cottage. There, Marianne falls in love with the dashing but unreliable Willoughby, while Elinor pines for Edward Ferrars, the young man she has been forced to leave behind...
Macmillan readers, one of the best-known and most widely used series of simplified graded readers for learners of English in the world has a brand-new look and titles. Stories in this series are specially written, or are retold versions of internationally well-known works of classical or contemporary fiction. Titles are carefully chosen and placed within the 7-staged language scheme that complies with commonly organized syllabi.
作者: Jane Austen
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2008/04/28
- 語言:英文
: Macmillan(Intermediate)- Sense and Sensibility
2017-09-22 17:21
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Macmillan(Intermediate)- Sense and Sensibility
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